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- Kelly Crow- “The Cuban Art Revolution” - Wall Street Journal March 22, 2008; Page W1
- Grace Glueck -“The Art of Joseph Cornell and Case Studies: Art in a Valise at Katonah Museum of Art” - The New York Times Art in Review, Andromeda Hotel, August 18, 2006.
- Lance Esplund- “The Man Who Put the World in Boxes” - The New York Sun, Museums,August 17,2006.
- Eleanor Heartney- “Yoan Capote at George Adams Gallery” - Art in America, June - July, 2005.
- Elaine A. King- “New Installations, Artists in Residence: Cuba” at Mattress Factory -Sculpture Magazine May, 2005, Vol. 24, No.4 pag. 72-73
- Graham Shearing- “Installations by Cuban Artists @ The Mattress Factory” - Angle, Journal of Art + Culture, 2005 No. 17 pag. 17
- Marisol Martell- “Yoan Capote at George Adams Gallery” - Art Nexus, No. 56, Volumen 3, 2005, pag. 154-155.
- Soren Triff -“El arte abre la puerta a la libertad” The Miami Herald, Thu, Apr. 28, 2005.
- Johnson- The Listings, Art, Galleries: 57 Street - The New York Times, December 17, 2004, pag. E35.
- Ad.- “Anímica, New Sculpture and Drawing” Art Forum, December 2004, pag. 46.
- Ad.- George Adams Gallery, Anímica, New Sculpture and Drawing” Art News, November 2004, pag. 34.
- Carol Prisant - “Lounging at Longhouse –visits a benchmark exhibition” The World of Interiors, September 2004, pag. 106.
- Ad- “FIAC Paris Galeria Habana”- “George Adams Gallery” Art Nexus, No. 54, Volumen 3, 2004, pag. 59 y pag. 109.
- Jason Edward Kaufman- “Where dollars speaks louder than protest” The Art Newspaper, December 2003, No. 142 pag. 27
- Amalina Bomnin“Ivan y Yoan Capote at Galeria Habana”-Art Nexus, No. 44, Volumen 2, 2002, pag. 109,
- Fabrice Bousteau “Cuba la Belle Américaine” - Beaux Arts, Magazine No. 200, Janvier 2001, pag. 77 (with Galleria Dupp) VII Havana Biennial.
- Robin Cembalest “Where Rube Goldberg Meets Kafka”-Art News, February 2001, pag. 151 (with Galleria Dupp)
- Grady Turner“Cuba II – Sweet Dreams” -Art in America, October 2001, pag 72 – 75, (with Galleria Dupp) VII Havana Biennial.